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Cookie Policy

Cloudflare Clearance Cookie Policy

Last Updated: 08/28/2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to inventeritems.com (“we,” “our,” or “us”). This policy explains how we use Cloudflare clearance cookies on our website to enhance user experience and maintain security. By using our website, you consent to the use of these cookies as described in this policy.

2. What Are Cloudflare Clearance Cookies?

Cloudflare clearance cookies are a type of cookie used in conjunction with Cloudflare’s security and performance services. When visitors access our website, Cloudflare may implement security challenges to ensure a safe browsing experience. Cloudflare clearance cookies are used to indicate that a visitor has successfully passed these security challenges and is considered a legitimate user.

3. Purpose of Cloudflare Clearance Cookies

The primary purpose of Cloudflare clearance cookies is to enhance user experience and security. Once a visitor has completed a security challenge and received clearance, these cookies allow subsequent interactions with our website to occur without repeated security challenges. This ensures that genuine users can navigate our website smoothly without unnecessary interruptions.

4. Data Collected and Processed

Cloudflare clearance cookies typically do not collect personal information. Instead, they may collect technical data and information related to a visitor’s interaction with our website. This can include data such as IP addresses, device information, browser type, and page access patterns. However, this information is not used to personally identify individuals.

5. User Consent and Control

By using our website, you implicitly consent to the use of Cloudflare clearance cookies for the purposes outlined in this policy. You can control and manage cookies through your browser settings. Please note that if you block or delete these cookies may impact your experience on our website, as you might encounter more frequent security challenges.

6. Third-Party Involvement

Cloudflare clearance cookies are set and managed by Cloudflare, a trusted third-party service provider that specializes in security and performance solutions for websites.

7. Updates to This Policy

We may update this Cloudflare Clearance Cookie Policy to reflect changes in technology, regulations, or our practices.

8. Contact Us

If you have questions, concerns, or requests regarding the use of Cloudflare clearance cookies or our privacy practices, please contact us at [email protected]

9. Acceptance of This Policy

By continuing to use our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Cloudflare Clearance Cookie Policy and agree to its terms. https://www.cloudflare.com/cookie-policy/



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